
My Story

"Bomber" is the sparrow my family adopted when I was a child.  He was a pesky bird with attitude and determination. I can remember it seemed to be his main goal  to land on the bubbles of my bath. He never gave up, even though he never managed to create a float system. In many ways this little aviator taught me to never let go of my dreams. He was the first in a long list, but somehow it all comes back to the "bomb." And I owe this blog to him.

I am a Anthropologist by training, an explorer and experimenter by hobby. My mom bought me my first flight lesson in 2003. I got my private pilots license in 2007, and my tailwheel endorsement shortly after. Currently I am training for my Aviation Maintenance Certification.  After my mother passed away, I learned just how connected my family has been to the aviation industry. My mother worked for Hughes Aircraft, and my grandmother and aunt both worked for Boeing, one as a "riveter", and the other a pilot. My goal is to combine my skills in aviation with humanitarian and non-profit endeavors as a mission pilot in the near future. Although, aviation is primary in my life, it is part and parcel to a much bigger picture as you will see.

It may be coincidental that part of my last name translates to "sparrow," and even more so that I am a pilot.  "Bomber" and I both share a few traits. We love water, we fly, and we continue to attempt the impossible.

This blog aims to bring you parts of my life that intersect with aviation -- the places that I travel, DIY projects, my experiences along the way, and much more.  

I hope you enjoy reading, and please feel free to contact me at should a little birdie get your ear!

