
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Happens in Reno.....(is just the beginning of the story)

A few weeks back I attended my first Women in Aviation Conference in Reno. I've wanted to go for a very long time. I had this feeling that, somehow, just by going I would find what I was looking for that would propel me into the next phase of my aviation career. What it did, was something I never expected – it inspired this blog.

For many people, being a part of professional organizations is a professional move. It's a way to network, find mentors, and get funding for that next rating. For me, although I am definitely open to these other opportunities, it was a personal motivation based on finding “community.” I think I thought that just by pure association I would find this, and in some ways I have. What I am finding though, is that just like learning to fly, finding “community” is subjective, and just as I expected the conference to be social it turned out to be much more a personal journey.

I recently wrote an article for the Bay Cities Chapter of the Ninety-Nines (an International Women Pilot's Association) about my experience. You can access a PDF copy of the “Foghorn” newsletter with my article here. (My article is on the last page)

I highly encourage anyone to check out some of the organizations out there. I am a part of many different communities. Here are just a few links to get you started:

Women in Aviation

International Ninety-Nines

Association for Women in Aviation Maintenance

AMT Society

Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association

Are there any organizations that are invaluable in your life?  Share with the rest of us!!


  1. love the article and how you're able to convey your shift in thinking so eloquently. the online travel bloggers community and the longfellow community association are two very specific but amazing groups that have enriched my life beyond measure. so glad you found yours! :)

  2. Thanks Lorna!! Do you want to post the associated URL's? It's amazing what community can do and how important it can be in ones life. I really appreciate your comment!!
